Friday, May 4, 2012


"You know that you can die bitter, or die thankful. There is no in between."

It's been a looooooong week waiting...waiting...waiting...and emotions/hormones are running high.

So what do I find myself doing? Reading blogs, remembering, and crying. Not constant crying but definitely a tear a day. You see, I've been here before, waiting for my baby to be born. And the way my body has remembered what shape to take, it seems my emotions have fallen into the path that they took before too. I know that the outcome will be different. At least I have no reason to believe the outcome will be the same. But secretly, it's an intense hope, because anything can happen.

I read this blog entry When you lose a baby and the quote above resonates. It works for baby loss, but it also fits any situation that may have left a bitter seed in your heart.

You can die bitter, or die thankful. There is no in between.

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