Wednesday, February 13, 2013

a story begins here

So. A friend of a friend of a friend gave birth to a precious baby girl this week. She has Trisomy 13. My heart as been hurting for them and my head spinning. Trying to remember those first days after the news and imagining it with a body that has just given birth...I hope they are soaking up every moment with their sweetest. I wish I lived closer and could take them food!

What I do remember, when I started reading blogs and spending time on all that, was I wanted quick access to their story. I was glad (not really) that life had moved on for y'all, but let me see where you started.

So here I am 2.5 years later, life has *cringe* moved on...and I am adding a link to get to a story. Sammy's story. Y'all. I hope, one day, to share some more. Because I waited for the perfect blog title and SURPRISE! it applies to most all my life. It's gonna take a lotta love to get through this mess life. 

So there's a link back to the beginning of one of my greater stories, one that has unapologetically changed me and shaped me. It's there, at the top, above those beautiful cheeks.

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