Wednesday, May 14, 2014

when he was almost 2

We went to visit our new family member in Colorado a few weeks ago and someone left their camera within reach of this guy. He's almost caught up with my photography skills. **no cameras were harmed in the capture of this photo**

It's amazing to me that even though I try to soak up every moment of my life with this boy, the moments are happening so fast and some even seem to be escaping me. We have a collection of random videos on our little camera thingy that I am so glad for. They already help me remember the ages and stages that have passed in these short 2 years.

My sister in law asked me what my favorite stage is so far and I said all of them. I love being a mama to this boy and I love watching him learn and grow. I must admit, toddler hood is not so fun...but he has been much healthier in year sickness? attitude? I guess it all evens out.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

baby bailey

I heard this week about another sweet baby that is gone too soon.

My heart breaks for the family and I wanted a buffer post between life as it appears here now and my sweet Sammy's story. I eventually appreciated the hope of a full life after such an enormous loss, but initially I wanted to read other's sorrow and find solace in that familiarity.

Our journey with Sammy began in January of 2010. I started this blog sometime that summer. Time is full right now so while this blog seems neglected, know that I am constantly reminded of my baby and his impact on my life. He is always near in my mind.

On the left if you click on the word Sammy it will take you to the beginning of the blog.