My wedding rings haven't fit for a while. On the first day of school at the new job I got them on but my finger was immediately purple. After wrestling it off I decided to think about an alternative. Some people go for cubic zirconia but I quickly remembered reading something about an adjustable wedding band for expecting mommas.
I got my ring last Friday. We were able to choose from a variety of phrases.
Sammy will *always* be:
~my first pregnancy (first morning sickness, first kicks to the ribs and bladder etc)
~our first baby
~our son who changed our lives and made us "mom and dad"
~held tightly in our hearts
~the baby we want to talk about, all the time
And this Friday we received all the love Nanna Shelly made for Sammy in the mail. His blanket is pictured above, his name is embroidered on opposite sides. The hats are so soft. I know we chose the yarn based on softness but I forgot until I was holding them today.
I don't have much else to say today. I got out his little clothes to put next to the blankets and then I kinda lost it. The clothes are so cute and small...I should have a dresser full of them. *sigh*
I also wanted to mention, for the record, that Sammy is quite active. I don't know what normal is but a couple people have told me babies like Sammy generally move less. If this is less, I don't know how women get any rest or accomplish anything during a "normal" pregnancy. I swear he kicks to let me know he's hungry (every couple hours I get a reminder to eat). And while I don't wake up from the kicks, on my frequent trips to the bathroom at night I often fall back asleep feeling rolls and kicks. Other people have blogged and written about the timing of some kicks...just the other evening as I was sinking into a pity party about how I will spend a majority of my life holding Sammy's ashes instead of holding him I swear he Chuck Noris-style round house kicked me in the ribs. Even as I typed that he got a good jab in. *smile* It definitely brought me out of my pity party and into appreciating each and every moment I have with him.
I would like to ask you all to pray for my friend J and her family. Tuesday afternoon they laid their 4 month old baby girl down for a nap and she did not wake up. Another high school classmate and his wife gave birth to their baby boy at 28 weeks. Baby and mama are doing great but they are still on a road of recovery for a while.
All this along with Sammy's gets a bit heavy at times so thanks for keeping us all in your prayers.