Saturday, September 25, 2010

the latest - almost 40 weeks with an end in sight?

Fall break is here! Somehow it worked out that the week Sammy is due my school is having its fall break. Which is pretty much perfect timing. My feet are daily puffing to epic proportions by 9 am and I'm just generally uncomfortable in life. So I will spend this next week putting the finishing touches on my hospital bag, getting the house ready for company, and hopefully taking lots of naps.

We set an induction date. October 11th. Should some other scheduled baby decide to come early we could get bumped up to October 7th. Of course I am hoping for my body and Sammy to decide that labor should start earlier than those dates but so far they're takin' it slow. The doctor thinks Sammy has dropped down into position and the exam was overall less painful than usual indicating other things are happening but still no dilation.

Over the last couple weeks I have been so blessed by my friends and coworkers. Everyone wants to do something, they don't know what to do and I don't really know what to tell them. I appreciate that people will offer to help and admit they don't know what to do, this is such a weird, uncommon place to be for all of us. Friday may have been my last day at work and a few people made a point to say good bye, that they'd be thinking/praying for us, and make sure to let us know what's going on...I really do love my job.

I did have a sad moment as I was getting ready to leave. It made me cry and laugh at the same time. I was sad that it was Sammy's *possible* last day at school with me...probably more that it was *my* last day at work with Sammy. It made me laugh because it's not like he would come to school with me after he's born if things were different...and made me cry because if he's not with me at school that means he'll be in Heaven.

That's kinda the basis of where I am right now. Can't wait to meet Sammy, have my body back to myself and yet I know I won't be happy or satisfied by those things either. Just a reminder that true joy can't be found on earth so I'll be grateful for an eternal joy.

We met with Sammy's birthday photographer Thursday evening and I was quite instantly reassured about the team that will be with us on that day. I'm convinced we'd be best friends if we lived in the same city. With so many unknown details surrounding Sammy's birth it's great to feel that the things we can plan have been orchestrated as close to perfection as possible by God.


  1. thinking and praying for you, girlie girl!!
    Erica Lotzer

  2. It was so great to meet you guys. I do hate that we live so far apart, although it's probably good for you because I'd bug you all the time, haha!
