Here's our attempt at the six month picture. 'gator and Jake are really into the paper. Most of the pix were a blur of hand and paper waving or baby rolling around. SMH
Here's his cute self a couple days front of some natural light because I don't have the skills to fake good light yet. Or to use the light I'm given. Whatever.
Six months (and 1 week):
*stats to come*
*can sit up, tips when tired or reaching for something
*has thrown about a fit a day for the last 4 days...we think he's just testing out the voice
*no teeth, just some bumpy gums, bottom middle
*eats a couple meals a day, by meal I mean 4 oz's of some mashed up veg/fruit and the rest BM with a little formula thrown in when he's at school (daycare - not sure why I call it school but I do)
*still mainly BF'ing, he went through a couple weeks with the nickname baby barracuda, things were apparently not happening fast enough? Not sure, it was rough, thought it was becoming the end but here we are still feeding away
*sleeps through the night consistently on school days, not so much when he's been home with mom or dad
*has been found on his tummy after sleeping
*inconsistent napper - he takes them, it's just not that predictable
*does this thing where he gets his left foot all stuck in the right leg hole when he's fussing in his bed, which causes him to fuss more. non-footie jams seem to help with this, unfortch, we currently only have 2 pair of footless jams...time to start cutting some footies off (the jams)
*loves bath time
*loves the puppies, giggles if he catches a tail or ear, loves to watch them
*thinks mama is *so so * funny when she mimics his shrieks and shouts, this is new for sure because I've been mimicking him since he started making noises
*still loooooooves being out and around other people
*has uttered some dadadada, mamama, gagaga, heard a yoooouuu today
*thinks sneezes are the funniest and fake coughs to get mama's attention. there was a short window of time where he would start coughing when I walked into a room and then open his mouth with his little tongue sticking out and fuss. it wasn't cute (it was kinda cute)
*loves the books Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and Babies First Words
*occasionally takes "bites" out of mama's cheek, sometimes dad's...haven't seen him do it to anyone else yet, could be giving kisses, all I know is it's an open mouth and quite slobbery
Lotsa new babies around - makes 6 months seem so grown up. I'm still trying to soak up every moment and enjoy all the little junk because it's already going so fast.